The skin is composed of two major layers, i.e. a superficial epidermis and a deeper dermis. The hypodermis, deep to the dermis of skin, is the connective tissue that connects the dermis to underlying structures. It encloses adipose tissue for fat storage and protection. Adipose tissue is mostly composed of mature adipocytes whose primary function is to store and to release lipids according to the energy needs of the body. Adipose tissue is also composed of undifferentiated cells, i.e. mesenchymal stem cells and preadipocytes which can acquire the phenotype and functions of mature adipocytes via a process called adipogenesis.

Cellulite is defined as a localized metabolic disorder of subcutaneous tissue that alters the local body shape leading to an orange peel appearance of the skin. Cellulite may be found in any area where excess adipose tissue is deposited.

The range of cosmetic products to treat cellulite and reduce adipose tissue mass is extremely large. These can directly or indirectly act on adipose tissue through different modes of action, i.e.

Lipogenesis inhibition

by reducing the synthesis and/or storage of lipids

Lipolysis stimulation

by activating the release of lipids from adipocytes


by inhibiting adipocytes differentiation

Our models :

3T3L1 cell line

(mouse white preadipocyte cell line)

Differentiated human white pre-adipocytes (HWP)

Our assays :

Quantification of lipid storage

(Nile Red staining) from 3T3L1 and HWP, effects on lipogenesis and lipolysis

Quantification by RT-qPCR

of key genes involved in adipogenesis and differentiation of pre-adipocytes, as well as in synthesis, metabolism and transport of lipids

Study of 84 key genes

by RT-qPCR using TLDA array. Represented genes include key transcription factors involved in preadipocytes differentiation, enzymes involved in lipid synthesis and adipogenesis, enzymes and hormones involved in metabolism/transport of lipids, members of WNT familly pathway regulating recrutement and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cell into preadipocytes, growth factors, signal transduction ligands, cell cycle enzymes.